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When you’re a birth mother facing the ocean of decisions that come with an unplanned pregnancy, the waves can seem overwhelming. You’re considering a journey that stretches beyond borders, and you’ve got questions. International adoption might be a path you’re contemplating, and it’s a path paved with both profound love and complex emotions. Let’s walk through this together, addressing the questions that may be in your heart.

What Does International Adoption Mean for My Child?

Choosing international adoption means you’re envisioning a life for your child that spans across cultures and countries. It’s a brave and loving decision to place your child into a family that you may never meet in person, but whom you trust will provide the opportunities and love you desire for your child.

Why Choose International Adoption?

The reasons are as vast as the world itself. Maybe you’ve thought, “I want my child to grow up with opportunities I can’t provide.” Perhaps you’re drawn to the idea of your child being a bridge between cultures. Or it could be that the families you’ve seen through an international adoption agency have touched your heart. Whatever your reason, it’s valid, and it’s yours.


How Do I Begin the International Adoption Process?

The process of international adoption can be intricate and emotionally taxing, especially from the birth parent’s perspective. Here’s a step-by-step look at what the process typically involves:

Step 1: Decision-Making

As a birth parent, the first step is the profound decision to place your child for international adoption. This decision often comes after much soul-searching and consideration of your child’s future and your current circumstances.

Step 2: Choosing an Agency

Next, you would need to select an adoption agency that facilitates international adoptions. It’s crucial to find an agency that is compassionate, has a transparent process, and offers support to birth parents throughout the adoption journey. They’ll help you understand the adoption rules that apply, not just in your country but in the home country of the adoptive family. They will help you compile the necessary documentation and ensure precise and careful compliance with all legal requirements for international adoption.

International Adoption - Choosing an agency

Step 3: Understanding the Types of Adoption

You’ll be informed about the different types of adoption: open, semi-open, or closed. Open adoption may allow for direct communication with the adoptive family and the possibility of receiving updates about your child. Semi-open involves indirect communication, like letters or emails through the agency. Closed adoption, meanwhile, involves no direct post-adoption contact.

Step 4: Counseling and Support

Reputable agencies provide counseling to help you understand the emotional impact of your decision and cope with the feelings of loss and grief that may follow. This support is crucial in helping you process your emotions and move forward.

Step 5: Legal Consent

You must give legal consent for the adoption. This entails understanding and signing legal documents that terminate your parental rights. It’s a significant and irreversible step, often involving legal counsel to protect your rights and ensure a full understanding of the implications.

Step 6: Choosing the Adoptive Family

If the process is open or semi-open, you may have a role in selecting the adoptive family. Agencies typically provide profiles of prospective adoptive parents, and you can choose a family that aligns with your hopes for your child’s future.

Step 7: Preparing for the Transition

As the adoption process progresses, you’ll prepare for the emotional reality of parting with your child. This can involve counseling sessions, creating memories with your child, and possibly preparing a keepsake or letter for them.

Step 8: The Placement

The actual placement of your child with the adoptive family represents a significant moment. Depending on the type of adoption, you may either meet the adoptive family or receive confirmation from the agency once your child has been placed.

Step 9: Post-Adoption

After the adoption, you may receive updates about your child’s well-being through the agency, depending on the type of adoption you chose. It’s also a time for continued counseling and support as you navigate life post-adoption.

Step 10: Ongoing Healing

The journey doesn’t end with the adoption. As a birth parent, you may continue to experience a range of emotions, and it’s important to seek ongoing support. Many birth parents find solace in support groups, counseling, or advocacy within the adoption community.

Throughout this process, it’s essential to remember that every birth parent’s experience is unique, and there’s no right or wrong way to feel. Agencies and support systems are in place to guide you through this complex journey, ensuring that you are informed, supported, and respected every step of the way.

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Will I Know About My Child’s Life?

This is a common and deeply personal question. In international adoption, the level of contact can vary. Some adoptive families are open to sharing letters, photos, and updates with you. Others may prefer a more private arrangement. Your adoption agency can help you understand what to expect and can facilitate communication that honors everyone’s comfort levels.

Can I Choose the Adoptive Family?

Absolutely. Many international adoption agencies provide profiles of waiting families. You can learn about them, understand their reasons for adopting, and make a decision based on who resonates with you. It’s a process that’s both emotional and empowering.

What About the Emotional Impact?

It’s a profound decision, and with it comes a spectrum of emotions. You might feel grief, loss, and yes, sometimes regret. But alongside these, there may be hope and a sense of peace, knowing your child is loved and cared for. It’s okay to feel all these emotions. Local adoption centers like Forever Families and counselors can provide the support you need to navigate this complex emotional landscape.

Will I be able to have contact with my child after the adoption?

This depends on the type of adoption you choose—open, semi-open, or closed—and the regulations of the involved countries.

How Can I Ensure My Child Will Be Safe and Loved?

This is the heart of every birth mother’s concern. International adoption agencies are stringent about ensuring adoptive families are thoroughly vetted and prepared for the responsibility of parenting. Home studies, background checks, and extensive interviews are part of the process to ensure your child’s safety and well-being.

What If I Need Help During My Pregnancy?

Saying, “I’m pregnant and need help,” is a courageous step. Local adoption agencies can connect you with resources to support you through your pregnancy. Whether it’s financial assistance, medical care, or counseling, there are systems in place to ensure you and your baby are well taken care of.

A Final Word of Support

To every birth mother reading this, what you’re going through, this whole rollercoaster ride that’s brought you to even think about international adoption, is huge. It’s not just a sign-off on a piece of paper; it’s a piece of your heart making its way across the world. That takes guts, and a whole lot of love.

You’re probably feeling a million things at once, and that’s totally okay. It’s normal, and it’s real. You’ve got a whole squad here at Forever Families and beyond, ready to catch you if you wobble, ready to listen to the late-night worries and the ‘what ifs.’

This isn’t the end of your story. Not by a long shot. It’s just a twist in the plot, a turn you didn’t expect. And we’re right here to help you navigate this new path. So when you’re ready, give us a shout. We’re here to chat, to answer questions, or just to sit with you in the quiet moments. You’re not doing this solo. We’ve got you.