Embarking on the path of adoption, birth mothers navigate a challenging journey, marked by isolation and a scarcity of resources. This section delves into prevalent and lesser-known myths about birth mothers, aiming to shed light on their experiences and the...
If you’ve been touched by the profound gift of adoption, November holds special significance as National Adoption Month. Beyond a mere celebration, it serves as a platform for raising awareness about adoption, particularly within the foster care system. This...
Adoption in a time of crisis, already laden with challenges, takes on new complexities in the era of the Coronavirus pandemic. From financial hurdles to unprecedented decision-making for birth parents, the adoption process has acquired dimensions previously...
Opting for therapy on behalf of your child is a significant decision, one that may initially evoke feelings of inadequacy or parental failure. However, it’s crucial to recognize that seeking therapy is an empowering choice, offering your child a supportive space...
Adopting a child is a decision that alters the course of life for all parties involved. While birth parents and adoptive families can anticipate changes in their own lives, the effects of adoption on the child can easily shape or bring about a multitude of questions...