Adoption in a time of crisis, already laden with challenges, takes on new complexities in the era of the Coronavirus pandemic. From financial hurdles to unprecedented decision-making for birth parents, the adoption process has acquired dimensions previously...
One of our favorite family traditions is to attend Christmas Eve service at our church. Nothing brings me more joy than a candlelit service remembering the birth of our Lord & Savior surrounded by our family and friends. As always, it was a beautiful service that...
We had a fun family day going to Bismarck to get supplies for the conference we are helping with at church as well as our annual Thanksgiving get togethers! It wouldn’t be a Thanksgiving eve get together without our traditional meat and cheese tray with all the...
One of my favorite things to do each morning after I drop Paisley off at school is to go for a long walk. This picture was taken about a month ago before the temperatures turned cold. Nothing but blue sky and gravel in front of me. It is peaceful and serene… one...
Embarking on the path to parenthood is a profound and deeply personal journey. For those facing the challenges of infertility, the decision to adopt can be both daunting and empowering. In this exploration, we delve into the intricacies of adoption decision-making,...
Dear Expectant Mom, Thank you for considering us to be the parents of the precious life you are carrying. We admire the love and strength that you have shown in the choice you are making. We are the April family: Robert, Danyel and Owen. We are a family that loves...