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It’s not that I don’t like kids. But sometimes, life can throw some crazy curveballs, making our lives harder and harder. And then, we have to make decisions that we probably don’t want to make. And here’s my birth mom story.

Hi. I am Jamie Marcus and I live in Florida. 

I never thought I’d find myself in a situation like this, writing a guide about choosing adoption. But it’s life – the most uncertain thing!

Before I share my story, I want you to know that if you’re reading this, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, and I want to share my story with you, in the hope that it might help you make the right decision for you and your baby.

First things first, let’s get real. Becoming a birth mom is one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made, but it was also one of the most selfless and loving acts. You see, it’s not about giving up! I realized that it’s about giving your child the best possible chance at life.

Birth Mom Story

Now, here is my story:

The News of Pregnancy


It was 4:00 pm on a weekday and I was busy with my office work when I received a call. “Congratulations. You are pregnant!” SERIOUSLY? Should I be happy or sad? I was numb! Spilled my coffee on my laptop.

My world turned upside down. I was scared, confused, and overwhelmed with emotions. Completely clueless, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn

I was scared because I knew that the life I had envisioned for myself and my baby would be incredibly challenging. To me, it was already hard for making ends meet, and the thought of struggling to provide even the basics for my child kept me up at night. I wanted more for my baby than a life filled with financial uncertainty.

Confusion washed over me as I considered the kind of future I wanted for my child. I questioned whether I could provide the baby with the stability and opportunities he deserved. My heart ached at the thought of my baby growing up in an environment where dreams felt out of reach.

It was during this tough time that I stumbled upon the possibility of adoption. I read stories like the one in the link you provided and discovered that adoption could be a lifeline, not just for me but for my child as well.

What ultimately convinced me to choose adoption was the realization that I could give my baby something priceless: a loving family who had been longing for a child. I saw the hope and happiness that adoptive families could offer. They were ready and willing to provide my child with a secure and nurturing home, filled with opportunities I could only dream of.

Choosing adoption was my way of giving my child the chance to thrive in an environment filled with love, stability, and endless possibilities. It was a decision rooted in love, selflessness, and the unwavering belief that my baby deserved the very best.

Why did I choose adoption?

birth mom story

Choosing adoption is a deeply personal decision, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. But let me tell you why I ultimately chose this path.

A Loving Family: One of the most important things for me was making sure my baby would have a loving, stable family to grow up in. I wanted more for my child than I could provide at that moment in my life. I wanted them to have every opportunity to thrive.

A Safe Future: Adoption meant that my child could have a future full of possibilities. I knew that by placing them with the right family, they’d have access to education, healthcare, and all the things I wished for them.

Emotional Support: The adoption process isn’t easy, but the support I received from the adoption agency and the adoptive parents made all the difference. They were there for me every step of the way, helping me navigate my feelings and concerns.

A Choice: Choosing adoption is about having a choice. In fact, it’s about taking control of your situation and making the best decision for your child’s future. It’s not about giving up; it’s about giving your child the chance to have a life you might not be able to provide right now.

I won’t sugarcoat it; it was heart-wrenching to say goodbye to my baby. There were tears, sleepless nights, and moments of doubt. But in those moments, I held onto the fact that I was doing what I believed was best for my child.

The journey doesn’t end with placement. The bond I share with my child’s adoptive parents is a unique and beautiful one. They send me updates and pictures, and I get to watch my baby grow from a distance. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. I know I made the right choice.

My Key Advice

So, if you’re facing a similar decision, here’s my advice:

Take Your Time: Don’t rush into anything. Take the time to explore your feelings, your options, and what you want for your child’s future.

Talk to Someone: Reach out to a counselor, a trusted friend, or an adoption agency. Talking to someone can help you sort through your thoughts and emotions.

Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions. Learn about the adoption process, the potential families, and the support available to you.

Trust Your Instincts: Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Trust your instincts and do what feels right for you and your child.

Choosing adoption was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but it was also one of the most loving. My child has a beautiful life ahead of them, and I know I played a part in making that possible.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. There are people who care about you and want to support you every step of the way. Whatever you decide, know that your love for your child will always shine through.

With love and understanding,

Jamie Marcus