We provided one-on-one consultations. Your questions and concerns will be answered quickly. We will be with you every step of the way on the adoption journey.
Our goal is to develop a partnership with you and advocate for you with the parties involved in your adoption process.

Waiting Child Adoption
Over 125,000 older children across the country are awaiting their forever home. Building Forever Families can assist adoptive parents who wish to adopt older children from the child welfare system. We provide home study services, matching services, and post placement support services for the Waiting Child Program.
Domestic Infant/Toddler Adoption
Infant/Toddler Adoption is where newborn infants and older children are voluntarily placed for adoption by their family of origin. We offer home study services, matching services, and post placement supervision services for the Infant/Toddler Adoption Program.
Identified Adoption
An identified adoption is where the prospective adoptive family locates an expectant mother through sources other than through Building Forever Families or another adoption professional. The family will need home study and supervision services and the expectant mother will need counseling services. Building Forever Families can provide those services and assist with the completion of the adoption.
Professional Adoption finance coaching is available to assist you with navigating the financial options to pay for your adoption. once you apply for our program we will connect you to the coach.
At Building Forever Families, we have over 25 years of experience handling adoptions and navigating placements, we offer personalized guidance and support with all the aspects of adoption process.

What is a Home Study?
A home study is a review of prospective adoptive parents that they must go through to legally adopt. The study will typically include discussions of the parent’s marriage, parenting techniques, lifestyle, financial abilities, health, and background investigations.
Part of the home study is for the families to also complete training and preparation courses that will help them prepare for being adoptive parents. Once the home study is completed, the family gets the opportunity to view the type up of the assessment.
How long it takes to complete a home study has some variables. These variables are hinged on how long it takes the family to turn in their completed paperwork, and how quickly the background check and references are received. Typically a home study is valid for one year.